Tag Archives: Medicine

Hallmark now distributing vaccine shot compliance cards targeting newborns across America

Friday, December 09, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com

This is a reprint of an article that Mike Adams did back in December of 2011 that ought to rile most people up. Vaccines kill more children than the diseases they are meant to cure every year. Take your annual Flu shot do ya? You are at higher risk of dying or having a major complication from that vaccine than if you actually got the flu. That is according to CDC reports which by the way are made public but very hard to find every year.

A recent report came out that there is an epidemic of paralysis caused by polio vaccine in India. This is becoming a major drain on their medical system. Vaccines are dangerous and the Pharmaceutical companies, the FDA, CDC and even many in Congress know it. So do many physicians. So, why do they continue to insist on giving them…BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars in profits thats why. they could care less about you or your children as long as they make their money.

By the Way this aplies to the Cancer Industry as well. They are not looking for cures their are already cures available and they have kept them off the market and arrested and imprisoned Doctors who have tried to use them again because if they cure you they can’t make any money off of the millions it cost in treatment  for chemo and radiation. E.      Now here is Mike’s article originally found here: http://www.naturalnews.com/034365_Hallmark_vaccines_newborns.html

(NaturalNews) The Arizona Department of Health Services wants to remind parents to inject their newborn babies with neurologically-damaging chemical adjuvants found in vaccines, and to aid in this effort, they’ve teamed up with Hallmark, the famous greeting card company.

Hallmark has designed and provided a special “vaccine shot tracking” card — an “Immunization Record” — that features the following vaccine propaganda:

Bet you’re as proud
as you can be
of that new little branch
on your family tree!

One of the most important roles as a parent is to make sure your baby is immunized.

Keeping your little one healthy mean starting immunizations by two months of age.

…The following immunizations are recommended before the age of 2…

See the inside of the card yourself at:

And the outside of the card here:

The outside also adds:

Hallmark is committed to encouraging childhood immunizations… for additional information on the program, go to www.Hallmark.com and search “for America’s babies”

For America’s babies?

Maybe you should instead search for “deathfor America’s babies.” That’s what these vaccines often cause, of course: Death, seizures, neurological damage, autism, fevers, vomiting and much more (http://www.naturalnews.com/029586_Australia_vaccines.html)

I find it fascinating that Hallmark, a greeting card company that usually churns out feel-good blessings and warm fuzzy limericks is now openly advocating chemicals that kill babies.

And they can’t even claim to be “saving” more children than the vaccines are killing, either. Because it turns out thatunvaccinated childrenare overall far healthier than vaccinated children! (http://www.naturalnews.com/033858_unvaccinated_children_health.html)

Targeting Latino newborns? Si! Se puede!

But of course, we know the real agenda of pushing vaccines to new moms in Arizona. I lived in Tucson for many years and I’ve seen the local politics at work. Arizona is a state that’s overrun by the financial costs of providing medical care to so-called “illegals” — undocumented residents who pay little or no taxes but often burden the state’s coffers for hospital expenditures.

What I see in this Hallmark vaccine shot propaganda card is an effort to promote widespread infertility across the Latino population of Arizona. That’s what vaccines do best, of course — induce infertility in both men and women. That’s why Bill Gates, the ultra-wealthy globalist behind the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, specifically stated that vaccines and health care services could be used to “reduce population by 10 – 15 percent.” (http://www.naturalnews.com/029911_vaccines_Bill_Gates.html)

Perhaps Arizona Governor Jan Brewer agrees with that assessment. What better way to reduce Arizona’s financial burden on the Latino community than to make sure as many as possible get sterilized at the earliest available opportunity?

All the better that the entire campaign can be shrouded in the language of “caring for your precious little baby.” You mean the baby that cost the state of Arizona a hundred thousand dollars in emergency childbirth expenses that will never be repaid? That’s the kind of baby the state wants to prevent from ever happening again, it turns out. That’s what the state politicians are saying behind closed doors, in reality.

They figure you can’t just force all the Latinos to be sterilized by injection. So instead, you have to trick them into sterilizing their own little children. Nothing halts the family tree as quickly as a few rounds of voluntary vaccine shots for momma and daughter. And heck, even if the shots don’t kill ’em, the child will have a weakened immune system which translates into a lifetime of Big Pharma revenue from sickness and disease.

Everyone AROUND your baby should get vaccinated, too!

Continuing the propaganda push, the AZ Department of Health Services includes yet another piece of printed propaganda, claiming that everyonearound your babymust also get vaccinated with multiple vaccine shots.

See that insert here:

So now you’re supposed to push every member of the family to go get vaccinatedfor the benefit of the baby!

See how this works? So cousin Jorge, who is about to impregnate another Latino teen, can get sterilized too. It’s sort of like a viral form of socially-enforced sterilization, brought to you by the wonderful people at the state of Arizona and Hallmark, headquartered in Kansas City.

Newborns targeted in Colorado, too

NaturalNews has learned that Hallmark is also conspiring with Colorado officials to push vaccine shot compliance cards onto new moms across that state, too.

In a recent press release, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment proclaimed it would:

“…distribute custom-made Hallmark greeting cards statewide to welcome newborns and inform new parents about the importance of childhood immunizations.”(http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/release/2011/042511.pdf)

No doubt other states are also working on similar programs to distribute Hallmark’s vaccine compliance propaganda to the new moms in their own states.

The great medical IQ test

What’s most interesting about all this is that people who choose to receive vaccine shots are allwinning the Darwin awardby effectively removing their own future generations from the gene pool. These vaccines create a trans-generational sterilization burden that increases with each successive generation until it brings newborns to the point of genetic extinction (http://www.naturalnews.com/033406_vaccines_polysorbate_80.html). That’s why I’ve called flu shots a “great IQ test” to see who is stupid enough to actually take them. In a way, the globalists are actually trying to reverse the “moronification” of the human race by eliminating low-IQ people from the future of human fertility.

And it turns out that gullible people who inject their own children with toxic vaccines come from all races and nationalities: White, black, Latino, Asian, you name it! That’s why vaccines, as they are irresponsibly pushed on children today with the use of brain-damaging chemical adjuvants, are really a crime against humanity.

You can surround these crimes with warm and fuzzy language in a Hallmark card, but that doesn’t make it any less of a crime, of course. It’s still a chemical assault on an innocent child, and that’s a crime no matter how many fuzzy bears and cuddly cartoons you slap on the front of a greeting card.

In the mean time, I recommend we all boycott Hallmark for their role in pushing dangerous and oftendeadly vaccinesonto newborns in Arizona. It’s yet another example of shameful corporate behavior that betrays the trust of the people while serving the selfish interests of the State.

Superbug named New Delhi to make westerners afraid of offshore medical tourism

Going to another Nation for elective surgeries is becoming more common. The risk of problems such as infection are no higher and in some cases lower than in the West. For individuals whose insurance will not cover the surgery planned or for those whose deductibles are high it is worth investigating. Surgery and recovery, many times in a luxury resort, is as much as a third of what it costs in the West. Also, a lot of the physicians and surgeons in India foreign nations received their schooling in Western Universities. If you fall into one of the above categories it would be worth your time to check out the packages offered in foreign countries for elective surgeries like Coronary bypass, gall bladder, cosmetic surgery, etc. (E)


Sunday, February 20, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com

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(NaturalNews) The industry of western medicine is steeped in corruption, dishonesty and dirty tricks. One of those dirty tricks became apparent recently when it was revealed that a superbug discovered by western researchers was given the name “New Delhi” in order to make westerners fearful of medical tourism in India.
Medical tourism, you see, is hurting the profits of western hospitals and medical clinics who vastly overcharge for their services. By traveling to India or other countries, patients from western nations can receive virtually identical medical care at a small fraction of the price normally charged in America or other western nations. But the conventional medical industry cannot tolerate people having a free choice about much of anything, so they engage in dirty tricks to scare people into buying health care services at monopolistic prices.
One of the more recent dirty tricks involves the discovery of a drug-resistant superbug in several UK patients. Because some of those patients (but not all) had traveled to India, the UK researcher decided to disparage India’s medical tourism industry and name the superbug “New Delhi.” Or, more specifically, “New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1 (NDM-1).”
The name of this superbug was chosen to link “superbug” with “India” and “medical tourism,” thereby scaring people away from even thinking of traveling to India for medical tourism.

Scare stories link India with superbugs

It wasn’t long before one of western medicine’s greatest propaganda publications,The Lancet, jumped on board and began to spread the scare story by linking cosmetic surgery medial tourism to the “New Delhi” superbug. (http://www.thelancet.com/journals/l…)
Mainstream media outlets began parroting the propaganda (as they always do) and spreading the fear. The classic example comes from CBS News, which said on September 14, 2010:
Experts worry that people who travel to developing countries for inexpensive medical treatment may be placing us at risk.
Did you catch that? “Experts” — whoever they might be — are saying that if people travel to India for medical tourism, they might bring back superbugs that kill us all! Run!
This is from an article entitled, believe it or not,“Is Medical Tourism Spreading Scary Germs?”There’s a unjustified fear-mongering headline if I’ve ever read one. It even uses the word “scary” right in the title just in case you didn’t catch the implied fear.
This is all, predictably,a pretext for banning medical tourism. Legislators could simply announce “medical tourism is a threat to our safety” and outlaw the practice. The naming of this superbug “New Delhi” is just one step in this process of shutting down medical tourism altogether.
As further evidence of the real agenda behind this story, CBS News refers to offshore procedures as “cheap medical treatments,” not “low-cost medical services.” This is also an indication of their attempt to discredit the entire practice. (“Cheap” implies lower quality and is a derogatory choice of phraseology.)

How to protect the medical monopoly

Western medicine routinely attacks anything that competes with its profits or questions its mythology. Witness the viciousness of the ongoing attacks against Dr Andrew Wakefield, the vaccine researcher. The effort to discredit his work goes beyond any routine “science” and enters the realm of desperation.
The vaccine industry is truly “desperate” to discredit Wakefield in order to save their vaccine monopoly and make sure parents dismiss any links between vaccines and health problems in children. We’ll cover that in another story, of course, but it’s just one example of how the western medical system viciously attacks anything that threatens its monopoly power base.
Getting back to the New Delhi superbug, The Lancet was the first medical journal to report on it, and by using the “New Delhi” name in its report, The Lancet is responsible for cementing this name in medical history, thereby stigmatizing an entire nation and spreading irrational fear about medical tourism. When confronted about this, Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, actually offered an apology. “We didn’t think of its implications, for which I sincerely apologize.”
Hogwash. I believe Richard Horton knew exactly what he was doing. Remember, The Lancet is one of the most widely respected scientific journals in the field of medicine. Its editor is scientifically trained to consider multiple levels of implications of every action. The explanation that he failed to recognize that the phrase “New Delhi” was the name of a city in one of the most prominent and important nations on our planet is, frankly, unbelievable. A far more likely explanation is that Horton recognized the phrase “New Delhi,” and realized this name would have the effect of discrediting India but chose to go ahead and use it anyway.
Does anyone seriously think Horton would have allowed a superbug to be named “London” without considering the implications? Of course not. So why would he use the name “New Delhi” which is the geopolitical equivalent?
India’s politicians are accusing westerners of using this name precisely for the purpose of casting doubt on the safety of medical tourism. And even now, after the apology in The Lancet, the lead researcher who discovered the superbug said he has no intention of renaming it.(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-sou…)
So there you have it: A superbug named to discredit medical tourism, a weak apology from a medical journal editor but no action to change the name. So this superbug will continue to be called “New Delhi” and it will continue to discredit the entire nation of India which, of course, was the whole idea to begin with.
Score another point for the evil, corrupt and intellectually dishonest industry of conventional medicine.
Propaganda: 1
Actual science: 0
Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/031418_New_Delhi_superbug.html#ixzz1EcSZcN2I


Medical research proven to be mostly flawed



Thursday, January 27, 2011 by: Alexander Frantzis, citizen journalist

(NaturalNews) Internationally recognized as the foremost expert in assessing the credibility of medical research, Dr. John Ioannidis made a most disturbing discovery. Up to 90 percent of published medical information directly relied on by doctors to determine treatment is misleading, exaggerated, or quite often flat out wrong. Even more unsettling, the medical community agrees with his assessment.

Starting his medical career at the beginning of the evidence based medicine movement, Ioannidis gravitated away from undertaking new research towards assessing the validity of previous research. Systemic inaccuracy emerged consistently at every level, and began to paint the picture that most studies were biased. Uniquely positioned as an expert statistician, Ioannidis carefully assembled a team, which spent a decade exploring the problem before publishing a landmark paper. It concluded:

With natural levels of researcher bias, generally imperfect research techniques, and a common tendency to focus on novel rather than plausible theories, wrong findings will be the norm. At the same time the scientific journals are strongly biased towards publishing the most novel claims and lack effective safeguards for filtering out inaccurate studies.

The paper showed both theoretically and empirically that 80 percent of non-randomized studies (the most common type), 25 percent of the “gold-standard” randomized trials, and nearly 10 percent of the “platinum-standard” large randomized trials were incorrectly executed.

To highlight the inability to weed out bad research, they focused on the 49 most highly regarded and cited research papers published in the past 13 years. Of those, 41% had later been disproved when tested, while 24% hadn’t even been retested. Upon further examination, 3 of these studies, which were later firmly disproved, they found scientists were more likely to cite the original inaccurate study, in one case for at least 12 years after it was discredited.

Economics appears to be an underlying cause of the research inaccuracies. A successful scientific career depends upon your research being funded and published. This intellectual conflict of interest motivates scientists to pursue and produce results that will be funded. Scientific journals are naturally biased towards publishing new, exciting research; they rely upon a vetted peer review process that is frequently commandeered by scientists in pursuit of career advancement. Worst of all are drug studies, funded by pharmaceutical companies and commonly corrupted by a much stronger financial conflict of interest.

It thus should come as no surprise that many medications originally shown to be both safe and effective in numerous large randomized control trials were later found to be dangerous. Vioxx, Zelnorm, and Baycol all were taken off the market for safety concerns, while the anti-depressants Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil are now known to be no more effective than placebos.

Science, by definition, relies upon continual retesting of previous results by other scientists to protect against erroneous conclusions. Yet, this does not occur. In Ioannidis’ own words, the“odds that anything useful will survive from any of these studies are poor.”



Underreported hospital delirium is on the rise

Saturday, January 29, 2011 by: Lindsay Chimileski , citizen journalist

(NaturalNews) Although malpractice and missing sponges have become somewhat silently accepted by the medical community there is a new alarming risk on the rise, Hospital Delirium. Hospital Delirium results from the combination of an unnatural environment, sleep deprivation and medications. It poses a silent threat to the health of all hospital patients, especially the elderly. Patients report experiencing zombie attacks, alien invasion, and other paranoid hallucinations. It may sound like a strange science fiction nightmare but in reality it occurs in up to 1/3 of the hospitalized geriatric population.

Hospital delirium is marked by an inability to think clearly, disorientation, alertness fluctuations, hallucinations, and paranoia. It is usually sudden and can progress over hours or days. Hospital delirium is more prevalent and poses a greater risk for the geriatric population. In the allopathic medical system, the elderly are expected to be senile and disoriented. Because of this false expectation, patients experiencing hospital delirium are often dismissed as “normal aging” and ignored. Delirium and disorientation are not a part of the natural healing process and should always be observed as a warning sign. Mental status changes often indicate serious turns in medical conditions and should not be overlooked.

The official cause of hospital delirium is undefined but the triggers are everywhere in the hospital atmosphere. Patients are placed in an unfamiliar and uncomfortable environment. They are usually suffering from dehydration, malnutrition, infection and/or anxiety. Patients can also be left feeling vulnerable due to the removal of their glasses or dentures. On top of that, add Pandora’s Box of drugs and medications, especially sedatives.

Hospital delirium is the consequence of violating the simplest of nature’s laws and preventing the body from getting real, good ol’ fashioned sleep. Studies prove that disruption of sleep may contribute to delirium and cognitive dysfunction in ICU patients. Staff monitoring and unnatural lighting prevent proper rest. This is especially true when deprived of sensory stimulation in units without windows, such as Intensive Care Units. Hospitals are now beginning to recognize the importance of adjusting light cycles to sync with the body’s innate circadian rhythm and sleep wake cycle.

Sleep allows the body to repair and restores the brain. It primes the brain for all the new knowledge it will acquire in the following day. Sleep distribution and sedation are linked as important factors because of their shared effects on memory. Interruption of this process, in combination with baseline vulnerability and other hospital triggers, provides the perfect cocktail for delirium.

Hospital delirium is now found to have some lasting effects. Due to complications and postponed surgeries, hospital stays are on average six days longer when patients experienced delirium. Delirium patients have a three times higher risk of death in six months. Hospital delirium can also be responsible for the premature placement of patients in short or long term care, such as nursing homes.

Hospital delirium is finally being recognized but the current statistics are still vastly under estimated. Most practitioners avoid the use of the term delirium and use synonyms like confusion or agitation instead. Although hospital delirium can cause outbursts and aggressive behavior, it can also silently occur in patients who appear to be resting quietly. Patients can become too paranoid to speak or share their hallucinations, so they suffer in silence and their experience goes unreported.

Although the public knows little of the issue, many hospitals are acknowledging the problem and initiating new natural protocols including massage and meditation. When hospital stays are unavoidable, awareness and familial support are the best ways to protect yourself and loved ones.


Belluck, P. (2010, June 20). Hallucination in Hospital Pose Risk to Elderly. The New York Times.

Collins, N., Blanchard, M., Tookman, A., & Sampson, E. (2009). Detection of delirium in acute hospital. Age and Ageing Oxford Journals. 131 (5).

Maze, M., Sanders, RD. (2010, Dec. 18). Contribution of sedative-hypnotic agents to delirium via modulation of the sleep pathway.

Rocha, M. (2010). Delirium in ICU. Characteristics, Diagnosis and Prevention. Retrieved from <http://www.slideshare.net/hospira20…

About the author

I am student in a Naturopathic Doctorate Program, expecting to graduate in 2013. I am not a doctor and not giving any medical advice, just spreading the word of natural living, and the pressing health revolution.

Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/031141_hospitals_malpractice.html

The Cholesterol Delusion

by Ernest N. Curtis M.D.
by Ernest N. Curtis M.D.

Recently by Ernest N. Curtis M.D.: Another Reason To Oppose War

A delusion is a false belief held with conviction despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. LRC readers are certainly familiar with many delusions popularly held in the field of economics and the fact that these myths persist because they serve the interests of those who benefit from big government and ever-expanding government interventions.

The same is true in the field of medical science where one of the most widely accepted myths involves cholesterol and its purported role in causing heart attacks.

There is a closely related set of theories known as the Cholesterol Theory, the Lipid Hypothesis, and the Diet-Heart Theory. They postulate that cholesterol is the chief culprit in the causation of atherosclerosis (also called arteriosclerosis or “hardening of the arteries“). It is the complications of atherosclerosis that lead to disability and premature death from heart attacks and strokes. These theories also maintain that a diet too high in fats and cholesterol is often responsible for the premature development of atherosclerosis.

The truth is that these theories are scientifically bankrupt and cholesterol has nothing to do with the development of atherosclerosis or its subsequent complications. Unfortunately such a vested interest has grown up around these theories that their critics are almost never heard. The overwhelming volume of propaganda put out by the pharmaceutical industry and those segments of the medical profession and some of the self-interested institutions has created a national mania on the subject of cholesterol.

The Cholesterol Delusion MD Ernest N. Curti... Buy New $13.99

The purpose of my book, The Cholesterol Delusion, is to inform that sizeable portion of the population that are told their cholesterol is too high that they are being sold a bill of goods. The initial chapters describe the processes of atherosclerosis and heart disease in plain language that can be easily understood by those without a medical or technical background. The book then traces the development of the cholesterol theory from its origin showing that each step in its evolution was based on inaccurate data, faulty scientific analysis, and, in some instances, scientific fraud.


For those readers who wish to examine these issues in more detail, the Appendices contain reprints of the two major studies said to have established the truth of the cholesterol theory. Each of these is followed by a point-by-point refutation.

People who have been told that their cholesterol is too high will learn why the information they have been given is simply untrue. Those taking prescription drugs to lower their cholesterol are especially urged to read and understand the information presented in this book.

January 14, 2011

Ernest N. Curtis [send him mail] is a cardiologist in practice for thirty years in Long Beach, California.

Copyright © 2011 by LewRockwell.com. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

3rd Leading Cause of Death-Hospitals and Medical Practitioners

Original Post: http://timenolonger.wordpress.com/2010/09/30/just-say-no-to-being-a-eugenics-casualty/

Just Say No To Being a Eugenics Casualty

A conservative estimate of 250,000 deaths are directly caused by hospitals and medical practitioners per year.

I tentatively say “conservative” as this figure is put forth by the Journal of the American Medical Association, who, by no means, have any interest in reporting a high statistic of death caused by modern American medical practices.

If we are to accept this figure, though… this would make the third leading cause of death in the United States, the very people and institutions who are entrusted to save lives… not end them.

While people generally focus their health concerns on worries of being diagnosed with cancer or heart disease or some ailment which decreases the quality of their lives, they are relatively unconcerned with the third most likely cause of their own future demise when they choose to put their lives in the hands of the medical industry.

In any other profession which renders a service… should that service be found to be greatly wanting in results as provided by any certain company or establishment, people would simply drive that establishment out of business by refusing their patronage. Other, more effective providers of said service would instead dominate the market.

The only time this is not the case is when there is a monopoly and competition doesn’t exist.

By definition, what is available for medical care in the US and most of the industrialized world is a monopoly.

People are not given a reasonable choice of how they would like their physical health to be treated… there is a single recognized way of dealing with disease… cut, burn and drug.

Anything outside of this standard is denied funding and insurance coverage and therefor is rarely available and when it is… it is beyond the financial means of the average person.

There is nonetheless, an almost worshipful sense of respect for what amounts to a quack practice sold at insanely high rates to a generation of people who forgot what it means to come to some common sense conclusions.

It would be common sense enough to term the medical system “greedy”… their highly lucrative practice provides the only “acceptable” answer to physical ailment as far as most people are concerned.

The demand for medical help will never decrease, especially if the medical practice itself continues in a mode of operation which doesn’t cure disease, but hides symptoms, allowing the disease and thus the need for treatment to continue.

Greed can only half address this atrocity though. If it were only about profits, the medical profession would likely be more concerned that they are killing off so many of their fine customers before they had outlived their full potential to rake in the cash.

So then… they mean to kill off some people.

That might come as a wildly controversial statement, but backing it up is only a short trek down history lane to the advent of the modern medical profession as it exits today.

In 1902, an infamous associate of John D Rockefeller named Andrew Carnegie founded the Carnegie Institute which became the central funding for the Eugenics Records Office in Cold Spring Harbor, New York. A dark era in American history which gets very little attention in public school classes these days… the policies of this organization led directly to the forced sterilization of thousands of US citizens.

“The endeavors of the Eugenics Record Office were facilitated by the work of various committees.

The Committee on Inheritance of Mental Traits included among its members Robert M. Yerkes and Edward L. Thorndike.

The Committee on Heredity of Deafmutism included Alexander Graham Bell. Harry H. Laughlin was on the Committee on Sterilization, and the Committee on the Heredity of the Feeble Minded included, among others, Henry Herbert Goddard.

Other prominent board members included scientists like Irving Fisher, William E. Castle, and Adolf Meyer.

The ERO advocated for laws that led to the forced sterilization of many Americans deemed “feebleminded”.”

The ERO Archives – eugenicsarchive.org

In 1910 Abraham Flexner, a John Hopkins, Harvard University and University of Berlin graduate was employed by the Carnegie Institute to draft what became known as the “Flexner Report”.

This was an epic of a paper which suggested that American medical schools needed to be held to a universal standard. A standard which would encompass admission into medical school, the education received and ensured that government would oversee the regulation of the practice in general, subjecting all medical schools to state regulation.

The policies put forth in this paper, backed by Carnegie and Rockefeller funding, became the protocols of the medical profession which are in place to this day.

Nearly all medical schools were closed down as a result of these standards, leaving only those behind who would adhere to the ideals outlined by the Flexner Report.

The result was that, being few in number, doctors were in high demand, the medical profession became a very highly paid one and one which had no flexibility of choice in how to approach cures and treatments.

When this point in history is recalled to mind by those who defend the mainstream practice of medicine, it is often noted that non-standardized healthcare resulted in individuals who were not held to any quality of service and therefore could have practices which persisted in unsanitary or unsafe conditions run by uneducated practitioners.

While that is surely not untrue, it also assumes that the average person in search of medical care is not intelligent enough to avoid what is obviously unsanitary and unsafe practices by way of simple observation.

It ignores also that people will not continue to patronize an establishment which has a well known reputation for a lack of quality results or that conversely they will not naturally gravitate to those establishments which do provide good results.

As a consequence, what is left is a standardized monopoly which can be both unsanitary and unsafe with no repercussions.

Eugenics and the furthering of sciences which upheld the belief in the removal of the “unfit” masses was the foundation of the conception for this monopoly in medicine.

Every individual and organization which backed the standardized medical practices of today were staunch and outspoken supporters of the kind of Social Darwinism that Hitler was only a Johnny-come-lately in. These ideals were solidly a part of the American “elite” dream.

“Leading eugenicists were greatly challenged when it came to funding because the U.S. Federal Government did not support basic science research studies until after the Second World War.

Instead, state universities and philanthropists took the leading role in the movement’s funding.

Most notable were three well-known figures of the day, Mrs. E.H. Harriman, Andrew Carnegie, and John D. Rockefeller.

Together, their institutions would fund nearly every aspect of the movement including the educational portion, which trained office and field workers and awarded scholarships so young people could spend their summers training and studying in human heredity and field research..

It is clear that without the backing of rich elite in both capital and in name, the eugenics movement would not have had the financial stability or the assurance of the public to exist as a large-scale entity”.

Nicholas R. Scott – studentorgs.umf.maine.edu/pdf

It is a spirit of fear which pervades throughout the modern culture of the industrialized world which will not allow the common man to question those who are presented as his greatest benefactors though they prove themselves to be murderers.

Given all angles of the information available which concludes at a point that is hard to deny, most will still obstinately resist taking in and digesting the idea of there being a medical profession which is designed to carry out culling on the population.

It is the terror of feeling as if there is nowhere left to turn should one’s health fail that will drive people to hold desperately to the notion that there is benevolence at work in mainstream medicine.

People do have some power in this matter though… people do still have the ability to boycott the services which are as likely to end their life as a massive coronary.

Educating ones self is still free… nature and the remedies our Creator provided are still free… and people CAN be free of a long standing tyranny over their own bodies.

No Law? No Warrant? No Problem!

William N. Grigg Tuesday, September 21, 2010

“Do you expect to see any violence here today?”

“I certainly hope so.” —

Narcotics officer Sgt. Stedenko, aka “Hardhat,” answers a reporter’s question at a drug checkpoint on the U.S.- Mexican border, from the film
Up In Smoke.

Sal Agro, a 67-year-old man from Lake Orion, Michigan, died of a heart attack on September 2 . Although those responsible for Agro’s untimely death will never admit as much, he was the victim of an act of state terrorism carried out a week earlier by the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office

Agro, along with his son, helped operate a treatment center in nearby Ferndale called Clinical Relief that provided medical marijuana to physician-approved clients under a 2008 Michigan state law. Sal, who had recently undergone hip surgery, was authorized to grow and use marijuana himself. His wife was authorized both to use marijuana and provide it to others as a caregiver. They had invited local officials to inspect the Clinical Relief facility.

He obeyed the rules, and they killed him anyway: Sal Agro, RIP.

Last June, with at least eight applications pending to open facilities like Clinical Relief, the Ferndale City Council imposed a temporary moratorium on dispensing medical marijuana while it explored new ways to harass the facilities through zoning restrictions. This prompted an objection from Mayor Craig Covey, who pointed out that the medical marijuana clinics would already be covered by existing ordinances. Nor were they likely to be profitable, given the detailed and often self-contradictory regulations inflicted on them under the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act (MMMA), which voters approved by referendum in 2008.

On August 25, the Ferndale City Council lifted the moratorium. On the very next day, the local counter-narcotics Gestapo staged a paramilitary raid against several locations in Oakland County, arresting 15 people, confiscating cash and crops, illegally seizing medical records, and terrorizing unarmed, helpless people who suffer from cancer and other painful afflictions. Most importantly, of course, the raiders got a potent fix of their preferred narcotic — the depraved thrill that comes from making powerless people submit to their whims.

It’s hardly an exaggeration to characterize the Oakland County Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET) as the local “Gestapo.” Agro  used that term to describe the ski mask-clad marauders who laid waste to his home, ripping apart furniture, throwing potting soil into the carpets and — of course — helping themselves to whatever cash they could find.A similar home invasion robbery was carried out at the Lake Orion home of Agro’s daughter-in-law. “She’s approximately five-foot, weighs about eighty-nine pounds, and the masked officers put a shotgun in her face and told her to freeze,” a wearily disgusted Agro recalled to a local reporter.

After learning about the raid, Agro went back to his house, which was swarming with armed tax-feeders.

“I asked what was going on, and they said, `Your house is being searched,'” Agro related. “I said, `Do you have a search warrant?’ They said, `Yes.’ I said, `Can I see it?’ They said, `When we get ready to show it to you.'” Despite the fact that the invaders had a note from a judge supposedly authorizing them to trash Agro’s home, the raid was, as the victim pointed out, an act of “illegal search and seizure,” since the money and property that were stolen had nothing to do with a criminal act.

The same lawless behavior was on display at another facility called Everyone’s Café, where police threw cancer patients to the ground and held them at gunpoint.

“What took place in Oakland is nothing short of armed robbery,” protests Gersh Avery, a local medical marijuana activist. “Patients in those locations had nothing to do with the day-to-day operations, yet their medicine was forcibly taken from them.” The NET, Avery concludes, “deliberately targeted sick innocent people.”

The official sadism continued after the case was split into two groups of defendants. Judge Richard Kuhn of Michigan’s 51st District Court in Waterford refused to waive a bond condition permitting the use of medical marijuana by defendants who had received medical authorization to do so. Astoundingly, 43rd District Judge Joe Longo, who is presiding over the case in Ferndale, permitted defendants with medical marijuana cards to continue using the palliative while out on bail. This, of course, begs the question of why those people are criminal defendants in the first place.

Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard claims that the raid followed “undercover”  investigations of Clinical Relief and Everyone’s Cafe. William Joseph Teichman, co-owner of Everyone’s Cafe, insists that “We check the identification of every patient we deal with, and those undercover cops had either proper ID and paperwork or forgeries so good we couldn’t tell the difference.”

“I said `Hardhat’!”

In a post-raid press conference, Sheriff Bouchard — grasping for a suitable soundbite — described the local medical marijuana market as “something out of a bad Cheech and Chong Movie,” without elaborating as to whether he considers “Up in Smoke” or “Nice Dreams” to be the gold standard of the stoner duo’s cinematic output.

Bouchard himself essays a pretty decent impression of Sgt. Stedenko, the bullying, authoritarian narcotics officer who was a recurring nemesis in the comedy team’s films.

Ryan Richmond, co-owner of Clinical Relief and one of the defendants in the Ferndale case, asserts that Bouchard “simply doesn’t like the [Michigan state medical marijuana] law because it’s too broad. If Bouchard has his way, we, you, have no rights even within the law.”

Bouchard’s critics are not limited to those he has arrested on marijuana-related charges.

“I personally don’t understand why the county would use such a large amount of precious law enforcement resources on something like this,” objects Ferndale Mayor Craig Covey. “This was obviously a political move by the sheriff to flex his muscles and send a message that he does not want medical marijuana clinics in Oakland County.”

Covey also criticized “the use of SWAT teams with masked and armed officers ordering sick, elderly patients to the ground…. Now it’s going to cost the taxpayers and the business owners hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney fees to sort through this mess.”

Bouchard’s admitted purpose in staging the raids was not to enforce the existing law, but rather to create a “test case” intended to change it, either in substance or in application.  By strict definition, this was an exercise of violence against the helpless intended to bring about political change — that is, an act of official terrorism.

Although Bouchard accuses medical marijuana advocates and providers of engaging in “organized crime,” that description makes a much better fit when applied to the NET, which is a federally designated multi-agency task force.  Thanks to an indulgence granted by the so-called Department of Justice, the NET has a license to steal in the name of “asset forfeiture.”

According to the Madison Heights Police Department’s 2009 Annual Report, last year the NET seized a little more than a ton of marijuana and pilfered nearly $2 million through asset forfeiture. The August 26 raids pulled down tens of thousands of dollars in cash, including money the late Sal Agro and his wife Barbara had put aside toward the purchase of a new car.

Bouchard and Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper insist that the MMMA is dangerously ambiguous because it supposedly encourages people to flout the state’s existing laws criminalizing the use and sale of marijuana for recreational purposes. They are correct in saying that the law is a masterpiece of self-contradiction, but emphatically wrong about the nature of the resulting danger: The risk of smoking weed without government permission is much less acute than that posed by power-intoxicated armed bureaucrats willing to carry out illegal paramilitary raids that target non-violent, chronically ill “offenders.”

A concurring opinion by Judge P.J. O’Connell in a recent Michigan Court of Appeals case points out that “The MMMA does not codify a right to use marijuana; it merely provides a procedure through which seriously ill individuals using marijuana for its palliative effects can be identified and protected from prosecution under state law.” It creates a narrow “affirmative defense to prosecutions under the Public Health Code, allowing an individual to use marijuana by freeing him or her from the threat of arrest and prosecution if that user meets all the requirements of the MMMA, while permitting prosecution under the Public Health Code if the individual fails to meet any of the requirements set forth under the MMMA.”

The MMMA, furthermore, does not change the status of marijuana under state law, which lists the demonstrably harmless cannabinoid as a “Schedule 1″ controlled substance” that has “no accepted medical use.” What this means, in practice, is that anyone who uses or provides medical marijuana in strict fidelity of the terms and conditions dictated by the MMMA is still presumptively a criminal suspect.

Because of the incurable self-contradictions of the MMMA, Judge O’Connell warns, conscientious people who obey its provisions and seek marijuana for palliative care could still “lose both their property and their liberty” — or even as the needless, government-inflicted death of Sal Agro demonstrates, their lives.

Be sure to join William N. Grigg each Saturday
evening from 8:00-11:00 Mountain Time for
Pro Libertate Radio on the Liberty News Radio

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Obama Reveals He Is In Bed With Big Pharma

Christohper C. Barr
September 10, 2010

Recently, an e-mail from the President of the United States which addressed this author as ‘C. –‘ in a most familiar fashion with a “commit to vote” message also included the following:

“We’ve fought for and won historic reforms to our health care system, a victory 100 years in the making …”

The only “historic” health care reform dating back 100 years ago is ‘The Flexner Report‘.

I was somewhat surprised that the Flexner Report was known by President Obama — or at least by whoever writes for him.

Abraham Flexner was commissioned (financed) by Andrew Carnegie and the American Medical Association to assess health care in America.  This resulted in ‘The Flexner Report’ of 1910.

This report advocated that the Germanic system of hospital and drug based medicine should be the focus of American health care, and that government and academia should partner together to accomplish this end — which is exactly what happened very quickly.

The report was a foregone conclusion from its commissioning with deeply entrenched biases.

Abraham Flexner was a university educator — and also an old crony, or more accurately flunky (or stooge) of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.  There were not a whole lot of cars in the marketplace to accommodate the vast reservoirs of Rockefeller’s oil in 1910.  However, drugs and patent medicines made (and still make) extensive use of that oil.

Flexner was also the son of German immigrants and was well traveled in — and favorable to — Europe and its ways.

The American Medical Association and Andrew Carnegie (buddy to Rockefeller) were paying for this report so the conclusions would accordingly be favorable to their interests in drug based medical practice.

Flexner decried any mode of healing not drug based as without value and fraudulent.

It did not take long for almost anything not medical to be driven from the marketplace with the driving force of government and select academic institutions behind the Flexner report.

Flexner also regaled against all educational institutions in the state of Tennessee but noted that in the interest of having at least one such institution approved in every state that Vanderbilt University should be given assistance to come up to standards.  This resulted in huge financial subsidies being granted to that school.  Of course, no mention was made that the chancellor of Vanderbilt was the next door neighbor as well as hunting and fishing buddy of Abraham Flexner.

The conflicts of interest between pharmaceutical interests and government receiving growing attention in recent years is actually the root foundation of modern medical practice in America.

The past decade or so has also seen growing interest in non-medical approaches to health care resulting in slight but growing weakness in the near total monopoly propped up by government of medical practice in America.

Many in recent years have told me that it must be exciting for me to see this growing interest in real health care from nutrition, herbs, and other non-medical treatments as opposed to the usual and predominant sick care of modern mediSin.

They are always surprised that I am not so excited.

The primary reason people have been moving away from modern mediSin is due primarily to the out of control, runaway increased costs of medical practices.  It is not due primarily to enlightenment.

Annual increases in drug costs are routinely more than twice the rate of inflation — often much more than twice the rate of inflation.  That means that the exceedingly profitable drug industry annually increases its excessively profits far in excess of increasing costs.

It is often stated that drugs are so expensive because the research is so expensive.  It is not also stated that this research is largely subsidized by the government.  Remember always that government money is largely taken from its people.

Simply put, the people’s pockets are largely picked to subsidize medical research, and then the people aditionally pay through the nose for the drugs that they have substantially financed by way of their picked pockets.

The more you learn about medical practice the more you learn how much of a con it is.  The pervasive con is rooted in the cronyism of the Flexner Report and its heavily conflicted interests backed substantially by the power of a heavily conflicted government.

There are exceedingly more pharmaceutical lobbyists on Capitol hill than there are members of Congress in both houses combined.  No other interest has even a one-to-one ratio of lobbyists to congressional members.  Pharmaceutical lobbyists outnumber congressmen by more than a two-to-one ratio.  The two main political parties both receive their donations (payoffs) almost equally.  A slight advantage will always be found to whichever party is currently in power.

This journalist wrote for more than a year before passage of the Obama health scam bill that the pharmaceutical industry would receive the greatest benefit from its passage.  It was only after its eventual passage that Associated Propogandaess (AP) reported its surprised finding that the pharmaceutical industry would receive the greatest benefit from the bill.

The Flexner Report sought to bring every American into compliance with hospital and drug based medicine for health care.  It very nearly but not quite accomplished that end.  After almost 100 years just a slight but slowly increasing pulling away from that end has been met at the 100th anniversary of the Flexner Report by the Obama health scam bill that requires every American to participate if not in practice then at least financially every year above and beyond that by which their pockets have been consistently picked these past 100 years.

A chilling truth is evidenced by the recent writing of words attributed to the president, “We’ve fought for and won historic reforms to our health care system, a victory 100 years in the making”.

Obama knows it, too.

Vaccine Zombie

Scroll to the bottom of this article for the latest video called Vaccine Zombie by Mike Adams


Originally published July 31 2010

Flu vaccine push already underway; first batch causes seizures in children

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) As ridiculous as it seems, retailers across the U.S. are already stocking their stores with Christmas goods. It’s all about the big commercial push, of course, since retailers make about 50 percent of their profits during the Christmas season.

Similarly, flu vaccine manufacturers generate huge profits during the Christmas season, too, and they’ve already begun shipping this year’s winter season flu vaccines to U.S. pharmacies and hospitals. Never mind the fact that the actual flu strain in the vaccine is little more than a hodgepodge collection of last year’s flu strains. Each year’s flu vaccines are technically only applicable to last year’s flu season, making them perfect for time travelers but useless for everybody else.

Along with the big vaccine push comes the inevitable vaccine propaganda. It’s all so predictable: First there’s the announcement that “everybody should get vaccinated.” This is followed by some later announcement in the pre-Christmas season of “how bad” this year’s flu season is getting. This is followed yet again by another urgent bulletin by health authorities urging everyone to get vaccinated.

The big vaccine push only quiets down when vaccine supplies dwindle. But as long as vaccinesvitamin D and how it is far more effective than any vaccine at protecting people from seasonal flu. remain in inventory, the big vaccine push will stay aggressive, and during this annual charade, there won’t be a word mentioned about

Reading between the vaccine lines

This year’s vaccine push has begun with some curious admissions by the vaccine industry, reflected in a Reuters story (http://www.reuters.com/article/idUS…). After the usual explanatory text about how flu vaccine manufacturers have started shipping their largest quantity of vaccines ever produced for flu season, the story prints this curious text:

“And U.S. officials said they were changing the labeling on a vaccine made by Australia‘s CSL Ltd (CSL.AX) because it appears to have caused a higher than usual rate of seizures in children.”

Now hold on a second.

If you read between the lines here, this statement implies that: 1) Vaccines cause seizures in children. And then 2) This particular vaccines causes a higher rate of seizures in children than the usual rate of seizures in children.

Why is this curious? First off, because vaccine pushers have always sworn their vaccines caused no seizures whatsoever. No neurological problems. No spontaneous abortions in pregnant women. No increased rates of autism. Vaccines are all perfectly safe, they say, and no children are ever harmed by them.

That’s the mythology, at least, behind vaccines. But the reality is far different: Vaccines do cause seizures in children, and this year’s vaccines look like they’re going to cause a significantly higher rate of seizures than usual.

Note, by the way, that this was not the headline of the story. This admission was tucked away in the text of a Reuters story, without any real emphasis. If Reuters was really interested in reporting the truth about vaccines, the story headline would have been, “Flu vaccines cause seizures in children.”

Line up, sheeple!

The story goes on to say, “The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone be vaccinated against seasonal flu this year.”

Yep, everyone. That means one-month old infants. Pregnant women. Children with seizure disorders. Immune suppressed seniors. Everyone!

You see, in years past, vaccines were never recommended for everyone due to well-founded safety concerns. In some people, you see, the nearly-dead viral strains used in vaccines can actually cause the very flu they claim to prevent. So the CDC has, for as long as anyone can remember, always warned certain groups to be excluded from vaccines for their own safety.

Well not anymore. Any safety concerns have been thrown out the window in the quest to push more vaccines onto more people. Billions of dollars in pharmaceutical profits are at stake here, and health officials can’t afford to let a little safety get in the way.

This Reuters story continues:

“Most years, seasonal influenza infects between 5 percent and 20 percent of the U.S. population and kills 36,000 people. It puts about 200,000 into the hospital.”

Well, not really. The 36,000 figure often quoted from the CDC is wildly inaccurate (http://www.naturalnews.com/026169_m…). It’s a statistical guess based on such outdated data that to quote it as fact is laughable. Besides, it’s technically wrong to say that influenza kills anyone. The real killer here is vitamin D deficiency which causes a stalled out immune system. If people had sufficient levels of vitamin D circulating in their blood, the flu virus would be powerless to harm them. And since there are viruses everywhere in the world around us every single day, isn’t it more accurate to say that the “flu season” is actually the “vitamin D deficiency season?”

Think about it: Why does the flu circulate in the winter months in North America, but the summer months (June – August) in Australia? It’s because those are the times of weaker sunlight exposure resulting in widespread vitamin D deficiencies. The flu is always around, living amongst us, just waiting for weakened immune systems so it can strike. To say that “the flu” kills people in the winter is factually wrong. It’s the vitamin D deficiency that kills people by giving the flu an opportunity to attack a weakened immune system.

This is a simple factual point that the entire system of western medicine, with all its high-IQ doctors, has so far failed to realize. Sometimes it feels like we’re still living in the Dark Ages of medicine, I swear…

Where are the clinical trials?

Anyway, this Reuters story continues with one more whopper of a statement:

“The labeling for one vaccine, CSL Limited’s Afluria, has undergone changes this season to inform health care providers about an increased incidence of fever and febrile seizure… The FDA said it was asking CSL to conduct a study of its vaccine in children.”

Read between the lines on this one: This Afluria vaccine causes an increased risk of seizures, it’s being imported into the USA to be injected in children this flu season, and the FDA is just now asking for a study? That means, of course, that no study has been conducted on this vaccine yet.

In other words, this vaccine which causes seizures in children has never actually been properly tested in children according to FDA guidelines, so the FDA wants a test to be done but the vaccine will be injected into children in the USA anyway, even before the testing is likely to be completed.

And that means, of course, that U.S. children are being used as guinea pigs to see what happens to them following this vaccine injection. If enough children have seizures or end up paralyzed or dead, the FDA will probably pull the vaccine off the market. But that only happens after the fact and after the damage has already been done.

Don’t you get it? Your children are the experiment! The American People are the guinea pigs for every vaccine these companies come up with, and it doesn’t matter if the vaccine causes seizures, brain damage or even death… American children are going to be injected by the millions in order to find out what happens.

No need for influenza vaccines in anyone

This whole annual charade is utterly useless to begin with. There is simply no medically justifiable need to inject anyone with a flu vaccine — ever! What people need is vitamin D to activate their immune response so that natural exposures to seasonal flu are easily handled by their existing immune system functionality.

Let’s face it: The human immune system is far more intelligent and technologically advanced than any flu vaccine. It already has a pattern recognition system that can identify and destroy foreign invaders in the blood. But as research has shown, when vitamin D levels are deficient in the body, the immune system is effectively paralyzed and can’t respond. (http://www.naturalnews.com/029312_i…)

When vitamin D levels are high, the immune system responds rapidly to any influenza threat. That’s why I never get a flu shot and even so, I haven’t been sick for years. I do, however, get sunshine on a regular basis, and when I can’t get sunshine, I take a quality vitamin D3 supplement. And guess what? I don’t need a flu vaccine at all. I can walk into a room full of sick people infected with influenza and be completely and utterly immune to their coughing, sneezing, nose wiping and finger-licking handshaking.

Having vitamin D in your body is like wearing a bulletproof vest for influenza.

The medical industry won’t tell you this because there’s huge profit to be made in scaring people into paying for flu shots they don’t need. If people were told the truth about the dangers and the ineffectiveness of flu shots, very few would buy them. Because the truth is that, even in best-case scenarios, flu shots are maybe effective at preventing infections in one percent of those who take them.

And that means ninety-nine percent of those receiving flu shots are wasting their time and their money. Plus, they’re exposing themselves to chemicals that are obviously dangerous to the human body or else they wouldn’t cause seizures in children, get it?

And yet every flu season, people line up by the millions to get injected with something that might harm them, and they actually pay for being potentially harmed! Why do people do this? Because they foolishly trust in health authorities who almost universally have financial ties to the vaccine manufacturing companies and so are pushing a particular agenda in order to profit from vaccine sales.

But scientifically speaking, the flu season could be stopped in its tracks by handing out vitamin D3 supplements instead of vaccine injections. No needles. No seizures. And no drug company profits.

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather swallow a vitamin than get jabbed with a sharp needle. But that’s just me.

Most other people, it seems, would rather spend their winters wiping their noses raw with Kleenex, drowning themselves in over-the-counter flu medicines and missing a week or two of work while they try to fight off a flu infection they could have prevented with a few vitamin D supplements in the first place.

Believe me, it’s a lot more fun to laugh off the flu season and spend your winters healthy, well rested and completely immune to seasonal flu.

Wanna join me in a healthy winter this year? Just boost your vitamin D levels and you too can laugh off seasonal flu and all the sheeple lining up to get injected like cattle in a branding line.

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Some may be offended by a few of the lyrics but this generally hits the mark.

War on Drugs exposed as failure at world AIDS conference in Vienna

From http://www.drugsense.org



DrugSense FOCUS Alert #443 – Saturday, July 24th, 2010

Syndicated columnist Dan Gardner covers an event and provides a
historical background which has received little attention (the New
York Times did cover the story
http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v10/n583/a01.html ).

Mr. Gardner was recognized by the Drug Policy Alliance with the
Edward M. Brecher Award for Achievement in the Field of Journalism
for the series at this link  http://www.mapinc.org/gardner.htm You
may read more of his columns at http://www.mapinc.org/author/Dan+Gardner

Please read and sign The Vienna Declaration at

Pubdate: Fri, 23 Jul 2010

Source: Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)

Copyright: 2010 The Ottawa Citizen

Contact: http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/letters.html

Author: Dan Gardner, The Ottawa Citizen


It’s safe to assume most people have never heard of the “Vienna
Declaration.” And that simple fact helps explain why public policies
that fail — policies that do vastly more harm than good — can live
on despite overwhelming evidence of their failure.

The Vienna Declaration, published in the medical journal The Lancet,
is an official statement of the 18th International AIDS Conference,
which wraps up today in Vienna. Drafted by an international team of
public health experts, including Evan Wood of the University of
British Columbia, the Vienna Declaration seeks to “improve community
health and safety” by, in the words of the committee, “calling for
the incorporation of scientific evidence into illicit drug policies.”

Please don’t stop reading. I promise this will not turn into another
of my rants about the catastrophic failure of drug prohibition. I’ve
been writing variations on that theme for more than a decade now and
everyone knows I am a crazed extremist whose views are not to be
trusted by decent folk. I’ll spare you.

Instead, I will merely present a few sentences from the Vienna Declaration:

.  “The criminalization of illicit drug users is fuelling the HIV
epidemic and has resulted in overwhelming health and social consequences.”

.  “There is no evidence that increasing the ferocity of law
enforcement meaningfully reduces the prevalence of drug use.”

.  “The evidence that law enforcement has failed to prevent the
availability of illegal drugs, in communities where there is demand,
is now unambiguous. Over the last several decades, (there has been) a
general pattern of falling drug prices and increasing drug purity —
despite massive investments in drug law enforcement.”

.  (Existing policies have produced) “a massive illicit market. …
These profits remain entirely outside the control of government. They
fuel crime, violence and corruption in countless urban communities
and have destabilized entire countries, such as Colombia, Mexico, and

.  “Billions of tax dollars (have been) wasted on a ‘war on drugs’
approach …”

.  Governments should “undertake a transparent review of the
effectiveness of current drug policies.”

.  “A full policy reorientation is needed.”

Remarkable, isn’t it? It’s exactly what this crazed extremist has
been saying for more than a decade and yet the people who wrote and
signed it are anything but crazed extremists. Among them is a long
list of esteemed public health experts, including the president of
the International AIDS Society, the executive director of the Global
Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria, and Canada’s own Dr. James
Orbinski. There are former presidents of Brazil, Mexico, and
Colombia. And there are several Nobel laureates, including the
economist Vernon Smith. (See the full list of signatories, along with
the statement, at viennadeclaration.com).

This should be big news. Drug policies affect everything from the
local street corner to the war in Afghanistan — and here is a long
list of informed and eminent people who agree what we are currently
doing is a horrifying mistake that wastes money and takes lives. The
public should be alarmed.

But this is not big news. And the public is not alarmed. In fact,
most of the public has never heard of the Vienna Declaration. Why not?

To answer that, let me take you way back to Sept. 5, 1989. That
evening, U.S. president George H.W. Bush made a televised national
address. Holding up a bag labelled “evidence,” Bush explained that
this was crack seized at the park across the street from the White
House. Crack is everywhere, he said. It’s an epidemic. Bush vowed
“victory over drugs.”

The whole thing was a fraud. Federal agents had tried to find someone
selling drugs in the park but couldn’t. Posing as customers, they
called a drug dealer and asked him to come to the park. “Where the
(expletive) is the White House?” the dealer said. So the police gave
him directions.

This chicanery was exposed not long after but it didn’t matter.
Bush’s address was a smash. The media bombarded the public with
hysterical stories about the “crack epidemic.” Popular concern
soared. And “all this occurred while nearly every index of drug use
was dropping,” noted sociologists Craig Reinarman and Harry G. Levine.

The power to throw the switch on media coverage isn’t exclusive to
the White House, of course. In 1998, the United Nations convened a
General Assembly Special Session which brought leaders from all over
the world to discuss illicit drugs. The media deluged the public with
stories about drugs — and the UN’s official goal, signed at the end
of the assembly by all member states, of “eliminating or
significantly reducing the illicit cultivation of the coca bush, the
cannabis plant and the opium poppy by the year 2008.”

Time passed. The Special Assembly was forgotten. When 2008 rolled
around, cocaine output had increased 20 per cent and opium production
had doubled. But this spectacular failure was almost completely
ignored in the media. Why? The UN stayed mum. So did national
governments. With no major institutions putting the subject on the
agenda, the media ignored it.

This is the essential problem: If governments talk about drugs,
journalists talk about drugs; if they don’t, we don’t. And since
governments are full of people whose budgets, salaries, and careers
depend on the status quo, they talk about drugs when doing so is good
for the status quo, but they are silent as mimes when it’s not. Thus
the media become the unwitting propaganda arm of the status quo.

I’m not sure what it will take to change this. It would certainly
help if the media would stop letting governments decide what is news
and what is not. Even better would be leaders with the courage to put
evidence ahead of cheap politics, entrenched thinking, and vested interests.

But that’s not happening. And so, on Monday, the government of Canada
felt free to categorically reject the Vienna Declaration because it
is “inconsistent” with its policies — policies which have never been
subjected to evidence-based evaluation and would surely be condemned
if they were.

This is how failure lives on.

The Marijuana Conspiracy: The reason hemp is illegal


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Doug Yurchey

The Dot Connector

They say marijuana is dangerous. Pot is not harmful to the human body or mind. Marijuana does not pose a threat to the general public. Marijuana is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations. Big businesses, with plenty of dollars and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people. The truth is, if marijuana was utilized for its vast array of commercial products, it would create an industrial atomic bomb! The super rich have conspired to spread misinformation about the plant that, if used properly, would ruin their companies.

Where did the word ‘marijuana’ come from? In the mid 1930s, the M-word was created to tarnish the good image and phenomenal history of the hemp plant – as you will read. The facts cited here, with references, are generally verifiable in the Encyclopedia Britannica which was printed on hemp paper for 150 years :

1) All schoolbooks were made from hemp or flax paper until the 1880s. (Jack Frazier. Hemp Paper Reconsidered. 1974.)
2) It was legal to pay taxes with hemp in America from 1631 until the early 1800s. (LA Times. Aug. 12, 1981.)
3) Refusing to grow hemp in America during the 17th and 18th centuries was against the law! You could be jailed in Virginia for refusing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769 (G. M. Herdon. Hemp in Colonial Virginia).
4) George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers grew hemp. (Washington and Jefferson Diaries. Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France then to America.)
5) Benjamin Franklin owned one of the first paper mills in America, and it processed hemp. Also, the War of 1812 was fought over hemp. Napoleon wanted to cut off Moscow’s export to England. (Jack Herer. Emperor Wears No Clothes.)
6)For thousands of years, 90% of all ships’ sails and rope were made from hemp. The word ‘canvas’ is Dutch for cannabis. (Webster’s New World Dictionary.)
7) 80% of all textiles, fabrics, clothes, linen, drapes, bed sheets, etc.,were made from hemp until the 1820s, with the introduction of the cotton gin.
8) The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross’s flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp. (U.S. Government Archives.)
9) The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky producing 40,000 tons.Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th century. (State Archives.)
10) Oldest known records of hemp farming go back 5000 years in China, although hemp industrialization probably goes back to ancient Egypt.
11) Rembrandt’s, Van Gogh’s, Gainsborough’s, as well as most early canvas paintings, were principally painted on hemp linen.
12) In 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees need to be cut down. Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees. Plans were in the works to implement such programs. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Archives.)
13) Quality paints and varnishes were made from hemp seed oil until 1937. 58,000 tons of hemp seeds were used in America for paint products in 1935. (Sherman Williams Paint Co. testimony before the U.S.Congress against the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act.)
14) Henry Ford’s first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the car itself was constructed from hemp! On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields. The car, ‘grown from the soil,’ had hemp plastic panels whose impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel. (Popular Mechanics, 1941.)
15) In 1938, hemp was called ‘Billion Dollar Crop.’ It was the first time a cash crop had a business potential to exceed a billion dollars. (Popular Mechanics, Feb. 1938.)
16) Mechanical Engineering Magazine (Feb. 1938) published an article entitled ‘The Most Profitable and Desirable Crop that Can be Grown.’ It stated that if hemp was cultivated using 20th century technology, it would be the single largest agricultural crop in the U.S. and the rest of the world.
The following information comes directly from the United States Department of Agriculture’s 1942 14-minute film encouraging and instructing ‘patriotic American farmers’ to grow 350,000 acres of hemp each year for the war effort:
“…[When] Grecian temples were new, hemp was already old in the service of mankind. For thousands of years, even then, this plant had been grown for cordage and cloth in China and elsewhere in the East. For centuries prior to about 1850, all the ships that sailed the western seas were rigged with hempen rope and sails. For the sailor, no less than the hangman, hemp was indispensable… Now with Philippine and East Indian sources of hemp in the hands of the Japanese… American hemp must meet the needs of our Army and Navy as well as of our industries… The Navy’s rapidly dwindling reserves. When that is gone, American hemp will go on duty again; hemp for mooring ships; hemp for tow lines; hemp for tackle and gear; hemp for countless naval uses both on ship and shore. Just as in the days when Old Ironsides sailed the seas victorious with her hempen shrouds and hempen sails. Hemp for victory!”

Certified proof from the Library of Congress, found by the research of Jack Herer, refutes claims of other government agencies that the 1942 USDA film Hemp for Victory did not exist.

Hemp for Victory

Hemp cultivation and production do not harm the environment. The USDA Bulletin #404 concluded that hemp produces four times as much pulp with at least four to seven times less pollution.
From Popular Mechanics, February 1938:
“It has a short growing season… It can be grown in any state… The long roots penetrate and break the soil to leave it in perfect condition for the next year’s crop. The dense shock of leaves, 8 to 12 feet above the ground, chokes out weeds. …Hemp, this new crop can add immeasurably to American agriculture and industry.” In the 1930s, innovations in farm machinery would have caused an industrial revolution when applied to hemp. This single resource could have created millions of new jobs generating thousands of quality products. Hemp, if not made illegal, would have brought America out of the Great Depression.
William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane) and the Hearst Paper Manufacturing Division of Kimberly Clark owned vast acreage of timberlands. The Hearst Company supplied most paper products. Patty Hearst’s grandfather, a destroyer of nature for his own personal profit, stood to lose billions because of hemp.
In 1937, DuPont patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal. DuPont’s Annual Report urged stockholders to invest in its new petrochemical division. Synthetics such as plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron, etc., could now be made from oil. Natural hemp industrialization would have ruined over 80% of DuPont’s business.
Andrew Mellon became Hoover’s Secretary of the Treasury and DuPont’s primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law,Harry J.Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.
Secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons. Hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion dollar enterprises. For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to go. These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: ‘marijuana’ and pushed it into the consciousness of America.
A media blitz of ‘yellow journalism’ raged in the late 1920s and 1930s. Hearst’s newspapers ran stories emphasizing the horrors of marijuana. The menace of marijuana made headlines. Readers learned that it was responsible for everything from car accidents to loose morality.
Films like Reefer Madness (1936), Marijuana: Assassin of Youth (1935) and Marijuana: The Devil’s Weed (1936) were propaganda designed by these industrialists to create an enemy. Their purpose was to gain public support so that anti-marijuana laws could be passed.
Examine the following quotes from The Burning Question, aka Reefer Madness:
• a violent narcotic;
• acts of shocking violence;
• incurable insanity;
• soul-destroying effects;
• under the influence of the drug he killed his entire family with an ax;
• more vicious, more deadly even than these soul-destroying drugs (heroin, cocaine) is the menace of marijuana!
Reefer Madness did not end with the usual ‘the end.’ The film concluded with these words plastered on the screen: ‘Tell your children.’
In the 1930s, people were very naive, even to the point of ignorance. The masses were like sheep waiting to be led by the few in power. They did not challenge authority. If the news was in print or on the radio, they believed it had to be true. They told their children, and their children grew up to be the parents of the babyboomers.
On April 14, 1937, the prohibitive Marijuana Tax Law, or the bill that outlawed hemp, was directly brought to the House Ways and Means Committee. This committee is the only one that can introduce a bill to the House floor without it being debated by other committees. The Chairman of the U.S. Senate, Ways and Means Committee, at the time,Robert Doughton, was a DuPont supporter. He insured that the bill would pass Congress.
Dr. James Woodward, a physician and attorney, testified too late on behalf of the American Medical Association. He told the committee that the reason the AMA had not denounced the Marijuana Tax Law sooner was that the Association had just discovered that marijuana was hemp.
Few people, at the time, realized that the deadly menace they had been reading about on Hearst’s front pages was in fact passive hemp. The AMA understood cannabis to be a medicine found in numerous healing products sold over the last hundred years.
In September of 1937, hemp became illegal. The most useful crop known became a drug and our planet has been suffering ever since.
Congress banned hemp because it was said to be the most violence-causing drug known. Harry Anslinger, head of the Drug Commission for 31 years, promoted the idea that marijuana made users act extremely violent. In the 1950s, under the Communist threat of McCarthyism, Anslinger then said the exact opposite: marijuana will pacify you so much that soldiers would not want to fight.
Today, our planet is in desperate trouble. Earth is suffocating as large tracts of rain forests disappear. Pollution, poisons and chemicals are killing people. These great problems could be reversed if we industrialized hemp. Natural biomass could provide all of the planet’s energy needs that are currently supplied by fossil fuels.We have consumed 80% of our oil and gas reserves. We need a renewable resource. Hemp could be the solution to soaring gas prices.
Hemp has a higher quality fiber than wood fiber. Far fewer caustic chemicals are required to make paper from hemp than from trees. Hemp paper does not turn yellow and is very durable. The plant grows quickly to maturity in a season where trees take a lifetime.
All plastic products should be made from hemp seed oil. Hempen plastics are biodegradable! Over time, they would break down and not harm the environment. Oil-based plastics, the ones we are very familiar with, help ruin nature. They do not break down and will do great harm in the future. The process to produce the vast array of natural (hempen) plastics will not ruin the rivers as DuPont and other petrochemical companies have done. Ecology does not fit in with the plans of the oil industry and the political machine.Hemp products are safe and natural.
Medicines should be made from hemp. We should go back to the days when the AMA supported cannabis cures.‘Medical Marijuana’ is given out legally to only a handful of people while the rest of us are forced into a system that relies on chemicals. Pot is only healthy for the human body.
World hunger could end. A large variety of food products can be generated from hemp. The seeds contain one of the highest sources of protein in nature. Also: They have two essential fatty acids that clean your body of cholesterol. These essential fatty acids are not found anywhere else in nature! Consuming pot seeds is the best thing you could do for your body. Eat uncooked hemp seeds.
Clothes should be made from hemp. Hemp clothing is extremely strong and durable over time. You could hand clothing, made from pot, down to your grandchildren. Today, there are American companies that make hemp clothing; usually 50% hemp. Hemp fabrics should be everywhere. Instead, they are almost underground. Superior hemp products are not allowed to advertise on fascist television.
Kentucky, once the top hemp producing state, made it illegal to wear hemp clothing! Can you imagine being thrown into jail for wearing quality jeans?
The world is crazy. But that does not mean you have to join the insanity. Get together. Spread the news. Tell people, and that includes your children, the truth. Use hemp products. Eliminate the word ’marijuana.’ Realize the history that created it. Make it politically incorrect to say or print the M-word. Fight against the propaganda (designed to favor the agenda of the super rich) and the bullshit. Hemp must be utilized in the future. We need a clean energy source to save our planet. Industrialize hemp!
The liquor, tobacco and oil companies fund more than a million dollars a day to Partnership for a Drug-Free America and other similar agencies. We have all seen their commercials. Now, their motto is: ‘It’s more dangerous than we thought.’ Lies from the powerful corporations, that began with Hearst, are still alive and well today.
The brainwashing continues. Now, the commercials say: If you buy a joint, you contribute to murders and gang wars. The latest anti-pot commercials say: If you buy a joint… you are promoting terrorism! The new enemy (terrorism) has paved the road to brainwash you any way they see fit.
There is only one enemy: the friendly people you pay your taxes to, the war-makers and nature destroyers. With your funding, they are killing the world right in front of your eyes.
Half a million deaths each year are caused by tobacco. Half a million deaths each year are caused by alcohol. No one has ever, ever died from smoking pot!!
In the entire history of the human race, not one death can be attributed to cannabis. Our society has outlawed grass but condones the use of the killers: tobacco and alcohol.
Hemp should be declassified and placed in drug stores to relieve stress. Hardening and constriction of the arteries are bad, but hemp usage actually enlarges the arteries, which is a healthy condition. We have been so conditioned to think that smoking is harmful. That is not the case for passive pot.
Ingesting THC, hemp’s active agent, has a positive effect: relieving asthma and glaucoma. A joint tends to alleviate the nausea caused by chemotherapy. You are able to eat on hemp. This is a healthy state of being.
[one personal note. During the pregnancy of my wife, she was having some difficulty gaining weight. We were in the hospital. A nurse called us to one side and said: “Off the record, if you smoke pot… you’d get something called the munchies and you’ll gain weight.” I swear that is a true story.]
The stereotype for a pothead is similar to a drunk, bubble-brain. Yet, the truth is one’s creative abilities can be enhanced under its influence. The perception of time slightly slows and one can become more sensitive. You can more appreciate all arts, be closer to nature and generally feel more under the influence of cannabis. It is, in fact, the exact opposite state of mind and body as the drunken state. You can be more aware with pot.

Cannabis is a medicine and not a drug. We should dare to speak the truth no matter what the law is.

Posted by Activist at 5:12 AM